Here's an overly complicated set of instructions I wrote, you might want to read it note for note.

dont worry be happy

Step 1) Open Adobe XD, and wait for it to load up for a long time if you have a slow computer like mine.

Step 2) Create a custom size artboard that is 1000px by 1000px. You can do this right on the home page by typing 1000 into both text fields under the "custom size" option.

Step 3) Select the square-shaped icon on the left hand side of your window (under the arrow icon) and draw a rectangle anywhere on the artboard.

Step 4) Change the size of the rectangle to 100px by 100px by clicking on the square and typing 100 into both the width and height fields on the top of the right-hand bar (in the "component" section)

Step 5) Using the "appearance" section of the right-hand bar (at the bottom right), click on the white rectangle next to the word "fill" and change the color to black by dragging the selector to the black section at the bottom corners of the color picker. Then, click the checkmark next to the "border" option to remove the stupid dumb gray border that Adobe XD gives shapes by default.

Step 6) Drag the square to the top left corner of the artboard. It should snap in place. Then, by either using ctrl-c and ctrl-v or holding alt while dragging, place three more squares on your artboard, one in each other corner. You should have 4 identical squares, one in each corner.

Step 7) Click on all four squares, and press ctrl-g. This will group all four squares so they can all be selected at once.

Step 8) Copy and paste a new 4-square selection onto the artboard (using either copying method mentioned in step 6). Don't worry if it looks like you didn't copy it, because it might place the copy over the original and make it look like nothing happened.

Step 9) Change the height and width of your new 4-square to 500px by 500px. Then, align it to the center of the artboard using the mouse tool and dragging it until you see the central alignment guide lines. You should have it aligned in the center both horizontally and vertically.

Step 10) Change the artboard name to "I hate xd" by clicking the title of the artboard (at the top left of the artboard). This step is optional and you should only do it if you had as much frustration resizing these dumb stupid cubes as I did.

Step 11) Save the file and share it with me at either my email address ( or by posting it in our class Slack.

Step 12) Shut XD down and never use it again I hate it so much.

My version

my version

Joey's version

Joey's version